


Join us for worship on Sundays at 9:00 am in-person or   online.  

 an additional service on 4th Sundays at 11:00 am is an option too.


Learn more about Trinity's Vision '29 Process

Since the beginning of the year, our congregation has been studying who we are as a church, school, and childcare, who we want to be, and who God wants us to reach. In surveys and conversations, Trinity members, school and childcare families have shared their vision of Trinity.  Here in this blog you'll see the things that matter most to Trinity that will guide us as we move forward.

Posts by Jean Yohe

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2024 Congregation Impact Report


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Trust, Thankfulness and Prayer

Being thankful in prayer for all things, recognizing that God is at work...

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Serving With Our Talents

Using our abilities no matter what they may be, all gifts from God...

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Why Do We Suffer?

The age-old question, why does God allow suffering?...

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Seeing the Light

Keeping the bigger picture in mind, that of God's plan for our lives....

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Prayer and Providence

God's always in control, working in our lives for good....

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Whatever is happening in our lives today or whatever may arise tomorrow cannot separate us from our Lord!...

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Why Did You Lead Me Here, God?

What do we do when we think God is leading us in a certain direction, but we're stopped in our tracks?...

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Have You Forgotten Something?

Trinity Lutheran Ministries Daily Devotion 05.11.2020 Today's devotion is presented by Jean Yohe, from Worthy Christian. Scripture reference: Psalms 111:4...

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Just Say No!

Trinity Lutheran Ministries Daily Devotion 05.04.2020 Today's devotion is presented by Jean Yohe, from Worthy Christian. Scripture reference: Psalms 27:1-3...

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The Light of Hope


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Waiting is active....

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Easter Monday


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Come to Me 04.06.2020


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The Shepherd 3.30.2020


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